Embark on a journey with Cosworth’s AliveDrive. A versatile ecosystem carefully designed to facilitate the planning, capture, analysis, enhancement, and sharing of driving experiences.

  • 1. High accuracy GPS
  • 2. 1080p video camera
  • 3. Infotainment integration
  • 4. AliveDrive ECU
1. High accuracy GPS

1. High accuracy GPS

AliveDrive uses high accuracy GPS data for timing and mapping. The vehicle path is tracked precisely, track maps generated and timing information is both recorded and presented to the driver in real-time.

AliveDrive Journey



Explore community-generated tracks and routes, preview iconic locations, and plan what to capture.

Data Capture

Data Capture

Capture your driving finesse, elevate your skills, and compete against others.



Craft, edit, and seamlessly share your driving highlights directly to your favourite social platforms.



Engage directly with customers, organise and share events, and earn recognition through badges and trophies within our vibrant community.

AliveDrive Modes

Circuit & Autocross

Circuit & Autocross

Take it to the track with AliveDrive, go faster by analysing your performance by combining video and data in an easy to use package.



If your vehicle can go off the beaten track, AliveDrive is there with you to enhance and document the experience.



Relive and share your road trips and everyday drives with AliveDrive Touring mode.

About AliveDrive

Case study: AliveDrive app

Case study: AliveDrive app

Our partnership with General Motors resulted in development of the industry-leading Performance Data Recorder (PDR) becoming an integrated part of its high-performance vehicles including the latest Corvette.

Case study: AliveDrive app

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